
We work with several clients who have sophisticated requirements but cannot afford their own e-commerce developments. We use our existing tools or, if required, proprietary tools to construct these custom solutions. We usually host and maintain these solutions for as long as they need them.

Payments systems with which we have experience include Protx, Netbanx, Secure Trading, WorldPay and even PayPal.

Whereas there are some good "shopping carts" out there, we often find that it's too difficult to shoehorn clients' business requirements into a pre-defined product framework.

We therefore enable our clients to specifiy their own product and service stuctures so that other existing systems and product/ service/ price structures do not have to change. We also provide custom reports suited to these structures and operation tools that help with order-flow.

For one client we have produced a system that calculates rewards for a multi-level sales operation, something that has helped them to mix ecommerce operations with a pre-exisiting sales approach.

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